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A partial list of my papers. At least the ones I have some kind of online content for...
Local Network Effects and Network Structure
Are Digital Rights Valuable: Theory and Evidence from the eBook Industry
(with Gal Oestreicher-Singer)
Competition in Wireless Telecommunications
(with Miguel Angel Campo-Rembado)
Nonlinear Pricing of Information Goods (final draft)
Managing Digital Piracy: Pricing and Protection (final draft)
Nonlinear pricing and type-dependent network effects (final draft)
Intelligent agents in electronic markets for information goods (final draft)
(with Ravi Aron, Siva Viswanathan)
Network Effects, Nonlinear Pricing and Entry Deterrence
Competing in Markets with Digital Convergence
(with Ravi Mantena)
Product Scope and Bilateral Entry Deterrence in Converging Technology Industries
(with Ravi Mantena)
Pricing Digital Marketing: Information, Risk Sharing and Performance
Tradeoffs in Organizational Architecture: Information Systems, Incentives and Process Design
(with Abraham Seidmann)
Maximizing Information Liquidity in Electronic Commerce
(with Vasant Dhar)
Resource Allocation in Organizations: An Optimality Result
Asymmetric Information, Signaling and the IPO's of Internet Firms
An Economic Analysis of Electronic Secondary Markets
(with Ravi Aron)
Sharing Logistics Information Across Organizations: Technology, Competition and Contracting
(with Abraham Seidmann)
The Effect of Task and Information Asymmetry on Business Process Redesign
(with Abraham Seidmann)