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I am fascinated by how information technology transforms industries and markets. My current program of research is based on the belief that the there are numerous aspects of IT industries and industries transformed by IT that are sufficiently unique to warrant developing new theory that improves our understanding of their economics.

Some of the questions my recent papers address include how networks affect economic outcomes, how to price digital goods, how to effectively manage piracy using pricing policy and DRM, bounded rationality and network effects, and how IT affects allocation in socially postive ways.

I'm also studying price dispersion in the Manhattan beer market.

this page isn't even remotely current. ad praesens ova cras pullis sunt meliora. (unless the eggs are rotten, i'm told.)

Working papers more current SSRN list

  • Dynamic pricing of network goods with boundedly rational consumers (January 2005) (with Roy Radner) 

  • Competing in markets with digital convergence (revised January 2005) (with Ravi Mantena) 

  • Local network effects and network structure (November 2004) 

  • Competition in wireless telecommunications (revised August 2004) (with Miguel Angel Campo-Rembado) 

  • Product scope and bilateral entry deterrence in converging technology industries (revised June 2004) (with Ravi Mantena) 

  • Network effects, nonlinear pricing and entry deterrence 

  • Pricing digital marketing: information, risk sharing and performance 

    Recently published papers back to research

  • Aron, R., Sundararajan, A. and Viswanathan, S., 2005. Intelligent agents in electronic markets for information goods. Decision Support Systems (in press) 

  • Oestreicher-Singer, G. and Sundararajan, A., 2004. Are digital rights valuable? Theory and evidence from the ebook industry.   Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Information Systems, 533-545 (winner, best overall paper).

  • Sundararajan, A., 2004. Nonlinear pricing of information goods. Management Science 50 (12), 1660-1673.  

  • Sundararajan, A., 2004. Managing digital piracy: pricing and protection. Information Systems Research 15 (3), 287-304.  

  • Sundararajan, A., 2004. Nonlinear pricing and type-dependent network effects. Economics Letters 83 (1), 107-113.  

  • Selected recent presentations back to research

  • Local Network Effects, Rationality and the Structure of Technology Networks
    INSEAD, May 2005.
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 2005.
    University of California at Davis, April 2005.
    Stanford University, March 2005.
    University of Florida, February 2005.
    University of Minnesota, February 2005

  • Dynamic Pricing of Network Goods with Boundedly Rational Consumers
    NBER/NSF Decentralization Conference, April 2005.
    North American Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society, January 2005.
    Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, December 2004

  • Are Digital Rights Valuable? Theory and Evidence from the eBook Industry
    University of Connecticut, April 2005
    International Conference on Information Systems, December 2004

  • Managing Digital Piracy
    University of Michigan, December 2004
    ZEW Conference on the Economics of ICT, July 2004

  • Local Network Effects and Network Structure
    Kiel-Munich Workshop on the Economics of Network Industries, August 2004.

  • Price Screening with Network Effects and Entry Deterrence
    North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 2004.

  • Competition in Wireless Telecommunications
    Competition in Networking conference, London Business School, May 2004.

  • Nonlinear Pricing of Information Goods
    2nd International Industrial Organization conference, April 2004.