Schedule of Topics (evolving list -- please check frequently)
Topic, Readings and Other Details
September 10th
Introduction: Reference Disciplines, Diversity and Cumulative Tradition
- Benbasat, Isak and Weber, Ron, 1996. Rethinking "Diversity" in Information Systems Research. Information Systems Research 7 (4), 389-399.
- Keen, Peter, 1980. MIS Research: Reference Disciplines and a Cumulative Tradition. Proceedings of the First ICIS, 9-18.
- Robey Daniel, 1996. Diversity in Information Systems Research: Threat, Promise and Responsibility. Information Systems Research 7 (4), 400-408.
- Varian, Hal, 1997. How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time. in Passion and Craft: Economists at Work, University of Michigan Press.
- Kriebel, Charles and Moore, Jeffrey, 1980. Economics and Management Information Systems. Proceedings of the First ICIS, 19-31.
- Bakos, Yannis and Kemerer, Chris, 1992. Recent applications of economic theory in Information Technology research. Decision Support Systems 8, 365-386.
- Kaufmann, Robert and Walden, Eric, 2001. Economics and Electronic Commerce: Survey and Research Directions.
September 17th
Discussion leaders:
Katya, Shawndra, Sameer
Technology in the Economy 1: Evolution
- Bresnahan, Timothy and Greenstein, Shane, 1999. Technological Competition and the Structure of the Computer Industry. Journal of Industrial Economics XLVII (1), 1-40.
- Chandler, Alfred and Cortada, James, 2000. The Information Age: Continuities and Differences, in Chandler and Cortada (ed.), A Nation Transformed by Information, Oxford University Press, 281-299.
- Lipsey, Richard, Bekar, Cliff and Carlaw, Kenneth, 1998. What Requires Explanation, in Helpman (ed.), General Purpose Technologies and Economic Growth, Oxford University Press, 15-54.
- Steinmueller, Edward, 1995. The U.S. Software Industry: An Analysis and Interpretive History, in Mowery (ed.), The International Computer Software Industry, Oxford University Press.
- David, Paul, 2000. Understanding Digital Technology's Evolution and the Path of Measured Productivity Growth: Present and Future in the Mirror of the Past, in Kahin and Brynjolfsson (ed.), Understanding the Digital Economy, MIT Press, 49-97.
September 24th
Discussion leaders:
Miguel, Zhong
Technology in the Economy 2: Productivity
- Brynjolfsson, Erik, 1993. The Productivity Paradox of Information Technology. Communications of the ACM 36 (12), 67-77.
- Brynjolfsson, Erik, and Hitt, Lorin, 1996. Paradox Lost? Firm-Level Evidence on the Returns to IT Spending. Management Science 42 (4).
- Brynjolfsson, Erik, and Hitt, Lorin, 2000. Beyond Computation: Information Technology, Organizational Change and Business Performance. Journal of Economic Perspectives 14 (4).
- Brynjolfsson, Erik, Hitt, Lorin and Yang, Shinkyu, 2000. Intangible Assets: How the Interaction of Information Technology and Organizational Structure Affects Stock Market Valuations. Working Paper, New York University
- David, Paul, 2000. Understanding Digital Technology's Evolution and the Path of Measured Productivity Growth: Present and Future in the Mirror of the Past, in Kahin and Brynjolfsson (ed.), Understanding the Digital Economy, MIT Press, 49-97.
- Dewan, Sanjeev and Min, Chung-Ki, 1997. The Substitution of IT for Other Factors of Production. Management Science 43 (12), 1660-1675.
October 1st
Discussion leaders:
Evangelos, Shawndra
Electronic Markets 1: Foundations
- Roberts, J., 1989. Perfectly and Imperfectly Competitive Markets. in Allocation, Information and Markets (The New Palgrave), 231-240. focus on 231-235 for this session.
- Novshek, W. and Sonnenschein, H., 1987. General Equilibrium with Free Entry: A Synthetic Approach to the Theory of Perfect Competition. Journal of Economic Literature XXV, 1281-1306.
- Spulber, D., 1996. Market Microstructure and Intermediation. Journal of Economic Perspectives 10(3), 135-152.
- Bakos, Y., 1998. The Emerging Role of Electronic Marketplaces on the Internet. Communications of the ACM 41 (8), 35-42.
- Kambil, A., 1997. Doing Business in the Wired World. IEEE Computer, 56-61 focus on 56-59 for this session.
October 8th
Discussion leader:
Information Goods 1: Monopoly Pricing
- Shapiro, C. and Varian, H., 1998. Information Rules (Chapter 2 and 3). (Background reading)
- Tirole, J., 1989. The Theory of Industrial Organization, Chapter 3.
- Bakos, Y. and Brynjolfsson, E. Bundling Information Goods: Pricing, Profits and Efficiency. Management Science 45(12), aaa-bbb
October 15th
Discussion leaders:
Katya, Miguel, Zhong
Information Goods 2: Copying
- Liebowitz, S., 1985. Copying and Indirect Appropriability: Photocopying of Journals.
The Journal of Political Economy, 93 (5), 945-957. (Background reading)
- Jonhnson, W., 1985. The Economics of Copying. The Journal of Political Economy 93 (1), 158-174. (Background reading)
- Conner, K. and Rummelt, R., 1991. Software Piracy: An Analysis of Protection Strategies. Management Science 37 (2), 125-139.
- Bakos, Y., Brynjolfsson, E., and Lichtenberg, S., 1999. Shared Information Goods. Journal of Law and Economics
- Varian, H., 2000. Buying, Selling and Renting Information Goods. Journal of Industrial Economics XLVIII (4), 473-488.
October 22nd
Discussion leaders:
Evangelos, Samir, Shawndra
Information Goods 3: Bundling and Competition
- Tirole, J., 1989. The Theory of Industrial Organization, Chapter 5. (Background reading)
- Bakos, Y. and Brynjolfsson, E., 2000. Bundling and Competition on the Internet. Marketing Science
- Fay, S., and Mackie-Mason, J, 1999. Competition Between Firms that Bundle Information Goods. Working Paper, University of Michigan.
- Kephart, J. and Fay, S., 2000. Competitive Bundling of Categorized Information Goods. Proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce.
October 29th
Discussion leaders:
Katya, (Ravi)
Information Goods 4: Imperfect Competition
- Tirole, J., 1989. The Theory of Industrial Organization, Chapter 7. (Background reading)
- Bhargava, H. and Choudhary, V., 1999. Price Discrimination and Product Differentiation in Information Goods. Working Paper 1999-34, GSIA, Carnegie-Mellon University
- Parker, P., and Sarvary, M., 1997. Marketing Information: A Competitive Analysis. Marketing Science 16 (1), 24-38.
November 12th
Wrap-up of unfinished topics, overview of search
November 19th
Discussion leaders:
Evangelos, Samir, Ramesh
Electronic Markets 2: Search and Intermediation
- Diamond, P. Search Theory. in Allocation, Information and Markets (The New Palgrave). (focus on the first six or so pages)
- Spulber, D., 1996. Market Making by Price-Setting Firms Review of Economic Studies 63, 559-580
- Bakos, Y., 1997. Reducing Buyer Search Costs: Implications for Electronic Marketplaces. Management Science 43 (12), 1660-1675.
- Lal, R., and Sarvary, M., 1999. When and How is the Internet Likely to Decrease Price Competition. Marketing Science 18 (4), 485-503.
November 26th
Discussion leaders:
All students
Electronic Markets 3: Empirical Studies
- Ba, S. and Pavlou, P., 2001. Evidence of the effect of trust building technology in electronic markets: price premiums and buyer behavior. MIS Quarterly, (forthcoming) pdf
- Brynjolfsson, E., and Smith, M.,2000. The Great Equalizer? Consumer Choice at Internet Shopbots. Working Paper, MIT Sloan School of Management. pdf
- Chen, P. and Hitt, L., 2001. Measuring the Determinants of Switching Costs: A Study of the On-Line Brokerage Industry. Working Paper, University of Pennsylvania. pdf
- Clay, K., Krishnan, R. and Wolff, E., 2001. Prices and Price Dispersion on the Web: Evidence from the Online Book Industry. NBER Working Paper W8271. pdf
- Clemons, E., Hahn, I. and Hitt, L., 2001. Price Dispersion and Differentiation in On-Line Travel: An Empirical Investigation. Management Science, forthcoming. pdf
- Pinker, E., Seidmann, A. and Vakrat, Y., 2000. Using Transaction Data for the Design of Sequential, Multi-unit, Online Auctions. Working Paper CIS 00-03, University of Rochester. pdf
December 3rd
Discussion leaders:
(Bing), Ramesh, Samir, Zhong
Network Products 1: Network Externalities and Positive Feedback
- Brian Arthur's papers
- Varian, H. and Shapiro, C., 1998. Information Rules. Chapter 7 (background).
- Farrell, J. and Saloner, G., 1985. Standardization, Compatibility and Innovation. Rand Journal of Economics 16, 70-83.
- Katz, M. and Shapiro, C., 1985. Network Externalities, Competition and Compatibility. American Economic Review 75, 424-440.
- Katz, M. and Shapiro, C., 1986. Technology Adoption in the Presence of Network Externalities. Journal of Political Economy 94 (4), 822-841.
December 10th
Network Products 2: Systems Competition and Standards
- Varian, H. and Shapiro, C., 1998. Information Rules. Chapter 8, 9 (background).
- Besen, S. and Farrell, J., 1994. Choosing How to Compete: Strategies and Tactics in Standardization. Journal of Economic Perspectives 8(2), 117-131.
- Farrell, J., and Katz, M., 2000. Innovation, Rent-Extraction and Integration in Systems Markets. Journal of Industrial Economics XLVIII, 413-432.
- Katz, M. and Shapiro, C., 1994. Systems Competition and Network Effects. Journal of Economic Perspectives 8(2), 93-115.
Network Products 3: Applications