Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University
C20.0001 Information Technology in Business and Society

The IS undergraduate core course introduces you to information technology in business and society. In this course, you will learn how to effectively apply information technologies to solve business problems, you will become familiar with organizational information systems and their link to business strategy, and you will gain a clear understanding of the economics of technology-based industries and electronic business.

The following professors will be teaching this course in 2006-07.
Fall 2006: Anindya Ghose, Panos Ipeirotis
Spring 2007: Yannis Bakos, Bing Jing, Arun Sundararajan

Broadly, here's what you'll learn in the IS core course, and why this learning is important:
  • First, as a future knowledge worker you will use personal systems in your work every day. You need to know how to publish information on the Internet, model and analyze decisions using a spreadsheet, and get information from relational databases. Over this course, your in-class conceptual learning of these topics will be complemented by a set of computer-based self-learning tools.

  • Second, in the digital firm, you will be involved increasingly in decisions about information systems. You will therefore need to recognize the large-scale systems that run modern organizations, understand what drives the success of a company’s IT investments, and learn how these investments facilitate effective business strategy and emerging business models.

  • Third, you must know how to evaluate and analyze information-based products and services in the increasing number of industries that are being transformed by information technology. You will learn about the unique economics of information pricing, technological lock-in and network effects, so that you can perform informed business analysis and formulate effective strategy in the digital economy.
We will also discuss a set of special topics, which may include digital music, information privacy, data mining and digital piracy. Assignments, projects and case studies through the course will reinforce your learning of how to use information technology to solve business problems.

Sample Syllabus and Schedule